Des Plaines River Trail Conditions – Around Half Day, July 2019


DPRT underpass flooded

DPRT underpass at Route 60

I am finally catching up on the Trail Condition updates here and since I rode on the Des Plaines River Trail (DPRT) yesterday I thought I would do an update right away this time. 

A friend and I rode the DPRT from Route 45 in Half Day north to Route 60 the underpass at Route 60 which was flooded and closed. We also rode a little in Wright Woods so our total ride was a little over 12 miles.

The trail was a little damp on our ride but it was all passable except the underpass at Route 60 as I mentioned. You can go up the hill and cross Route 60 on the road and get back on the trail but we were not going to ride much further on that ride anyway so we just turned around there.

DPRT near Wright Woods

DPRT near Wright Woods

This is a nice shady trail where we rode and very few people were on the trail at the time. The trail is crushed stone but is fairly good condition althought overgrown in places and there are some gravel patches in places. Very easily rideable even with my road bike.

Here is the GPS Map of this ride on the Garmin website.

For a lot more information, photos and ride stories  on the DPRT or many other trails in the area see the Bike Trails pages on this website.

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